I have a really fun job. No, really I do. I work for a large, well respecated ambulance service serving the fine citizens of Oklahoma City. We're #1 in the country for cardiac arrest saves, we have the coolest equipment and I work the the best and brightest paramedics and EMTs in the country. I enjoy coming to work every day, anxious to see what the day holds in store for us.
Sometimes we sit, joke around and be silly.

We buy rink dinky toys at gas stations, pharmacies, hospital gift shops and play with them. (here, we attached a $3 plastic basketball hoop to the ambulance and played basketball at 3am)

We work with our friends the local fire deparments.

And then we have incidents like yesterday where tornadoes hit our area. This is in eastern OKC, at I-40 and Choctaw Road. This building was a Loves and as you can see, it's completely demolished.

Another view of the same Loves.

It's amazing to me how such desastation can happen in such a short period of time. We were on scene moments after the tornado hit and luckily injuries were minimal, although there are 2 confirmed fatalities. I worked out there for 6 hours and finally was able to get some relief out there around 12:30am so I could go home. Thank you co-workers for your help and assitance in making the search, rescue and treatment go so smoothly. Thank you to police and fire for your assistance with the downed power lines, traffic, road blocks and search and rescue. We are, in fact, the masters of disaster.
1 comment:
You do great things for our country. Thank you for choosing a career that impacts so many lives and benefits our country. I have great respect for people like you - I don't think I could ever do your job. I'm glad not all days are scary and sad!
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