Friday, December 31, 2010

{2010: My Life in Photos}

January: She Said Yes!
My sister and Wyatt got engaged (note: her ring is super gorgeous, this was taken with my iphone, so the diamond looks usper hazy)

February: Love Is In The Air
Well, it's in the deocrations at least!
April: Going Wedding Dress Shopping
Every dress she tried on was stunning!

April: Schenanigans at Work
In order to get the full effect of CPAP - one my CPAP themselves

May: Caught on TV by the NBA
This prompted my weight loss challenge....see how full my face looks?! Yikes!

May: Working with Drew
Work is so much more fun when you work with one of your best friends.

June: Focusing on Heritage
My mom cross stitched this for my grandmother - now it's on display in my house.

July: Family Reunion
Headed to South Dakota to visit family and have a wonderful family reunion! these are all of my dad's brothers and sisters.

August: Shedding the Pounds
So far, 20lbs thinner! No more fat face!

September: Aloha!
In Maui for Whitney and Wyatt's wedding!

October: Autumn is here!!
Pretty fall wreath I made - tutorial is on the right side bar!

November: Thanksgiving at work
If you can't be with your family, your friends are the next best thing!

December: Merry Christmas!
Fortunate enough to have a friend work for me so I could spend Christmas with my family!

Hope you have a very Happy and Healthy 2011! See you next year!

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