January: She Said Yes!
My sister and Wyatt got engaged (note: her ring is super gorgeous, this was taken with my iphone, so the diamond looks usper hazy)
February: Love Is In The Air
Well, it's in the deocrations at least!
Every dress she tried on was stunning!

April: Schenanigans at Work
In order to get the full effect of CPAP - one my CPAP themselves
April: Schenanigans at Work
In order to get the full effect of CPAP - one my CPAP themselves
This prompted my weight loss challenge....see how full my face looks?! Yikes!
Work is so much more fun when you work with one of your best friends.
My mom cross stitched this for my grandmother - now it's on display in my house.
Headed to South Dakota to visit family and have a wonderful family reunion! these are all of my dad's brothers and sisters.
So far, 20lbs thinner! No more fat face!
In Maui for Whitney and Wyatt's wedding!
Pretty fall wreath I made - tutorial is on the right side bar!